Tuesday, 29 December 2015

To My Girlfriend...!

So I finally got round to making a new video...sorry it's not a talky one it's just a simple slideshow instead but I just wanted to let my girlfriend know how much she actually means to me!!

Chloe x

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Operation Update!

Hello Again,

Wow, well today has been a long day for me and to be honest I just wanted to tell you all about it. Not the ins and outs of what time I ate breakfast or went to the toilet but what I got up too.

Today I went to the hospital again because I had a pre-admissions appointment. This means that because my operation is in 5 week they have to do the blood tests and health and well-being tests to make sure that everything is A-Okay for them to go ahead and operate on me. 

So I got to the Oral Surgery department at roughly 9:30am and was waiting patiently for my appointment that was due, just people watching (it's very interesting..maybe it should become an Olympic sport?). Anyway the nurse that I saw the day before with my Orthodontist informed me that whoever I was waiting for was in a meeting until approximately 10:00am which was fine. I got called in around 9:50am. From there I was just asked loads of questions about my health, was told the ins and outs of my operation, had to take swabs and had more impressions done of my teeth. The impressions were simply hell! If you've had braces then you know exactly what I'm talking about. However you've probably not had them done with braces on before. Well I've had them done once before I got braces and 1 time since I had my braces on and so this was the third time overall of having impressions done. Long story short, the man clearly didn't really know what he was doing because he was just shoving them in my mouth and then trying to yank them out like they can do when you don't have braces on however this doesn't work because of the brackets on your teeth!! So in the end he caused me so much pain with doing it wrong so many times and just trying to pull it out that on about his 6th attempt I ended up crying and so they FINALLY called my usual orthodontist to get it out. All in all I had about 9-10 impressions done...I eventually got out of that room at around 11:15...

So then I met the surgeon who would be leading my operation. I previously had met a different one however he was taken unwell and so I moved onto a different waiting list. This meant that the surgeon had to re-look over everything we had previously looked at with the other one and he came to the conclusion that I was in fact going to have to have both jaws broken instead of just the bottom one which was what I was initially told...

Here is a picture of the profile editing I had back in January (left) and the new profile where they will break both jaws (right). There's not loads of difference but it's safer for me to actually have both done in the long run.

I was then sent to X-ray which is always exciting- haha. And then had to go to Pathology for some blood tests.

After that I went back to Oral surgery and saw the surgeon again for him to show me what my new profile of my face would look like after the operation and to clear up any queries I still had.

FOUR hours later and I was eventually free to go!!!


x x

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Summer is here!

Summer has to be most people's favourite time of year right?
Well this summer I'm going to try something and blog everyday. 
This is not going to happen due to me having an operation but I will try my hardest!! I might even start vlogging and posting it to YouTube if I fancy it and enough of you are interested but that's entirely in your hands my friends. 
My blog posts may include:
  • things on my mind
  • make up tutorials
  • what I got up to today
  • updates on my operation progress
  • outfit of the day
and anything else you would like me to do. Just comment and I'll try my best.

Till next time...

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Broken Heart

So, I feel like it's time to talk about this because I'm happier than I've ever been and I really just want to share this story to help any of you out who are going through the same or a very similar situation. 

Anyway 2 months ago myself and my girlfriend at the time broke up. Her reasoning behind it was because she got "bored" and that the day to day routine of our relationship had got too "samey". At the time I really could not comprehend this. She had been there for me for 5 and a half years of my life and had been my girlfriend for 4 and a half. I really could not imagine my life without her. 
The immediate time after it was hell. I never imagined how hard it would actually be to have someone who meant everything to you, thought they were your soul mate and you would be together forever (cliché I know) to be taken away in a flash. To talking to someone all the time to no contact whatsoever. 
I really do have my friends and family to thank for getting me through it because I was in a very dark place and they dragged me out of it. I kept plodding along with life. I made sure I kept busy. I have three jobs so I think that helped!!! Anyway so after the 3 weeks were up for my Easter break I went back to Uni. It was really the change and breath of fresh air I needed. Obviously it was a familiar place by now after being there for 6 months but it was different from home which brought back all the memories of us as a couple. 
Honestly if you're going through something like this make that drastic decision to go travelling or whatever. Do something crazy! What I did wasn't crazy I just got through it and you can too!
Anyway so now 2 months down the line I really couldn't be happier. I've met the most incredible girl ever who really knows how to show someone she really cares which I haven't ever experienced before. And also having your friends at Uni tell you they prefer her to you ex is always nice to hear because as they say "the grass is always greener on the other side". 
I contacted my ex about 2 weeks ago because I actually needed her knowledge on a topic that many people don't know about and I knew she would help me. After her helping me I said thank you and she turned it into yet another argument. One revolving around the fact we can't "just be friends". I really don't know if it is just me or anyone else thinks you can't just be friends who shattered your heart...maybe I'm crazy. So I sent her a letter about my reasoning behind why we couldn't be friends. I don't feel like I need OR want her in my life anymore. I'm so grateful for everything that we had, everything that we were and what she did for me however it was simply just a chapter in my book that I need to close and start the new one. 
I've since noticed more about myself. My anxiety for one has been the biggest change in me. Some of it is down to going to University however I have also lost a lot of worry and self doubt since we split. I find myself less tired than I used to be (people with anxiety will know how tired it can make you) and also more care-free and I really think that's the way to live. 

I'm at such a great stage in my life that I actually like who I am at the moment and now it's just the time I need to figure out what to do with my life and how to fulfil my dreams even more. 

***Cringe ending***....but Lizzie if you ever happen to read this you're the most incredible girl I've ever met and I think things happened fast with our relationship because it was meant to be...you really were the light in the darkness and I love you so much :)

Monday, 13 April 2015

Inspirational Couple

This is such a spontaneous blog post so I apologise in advance if it's boring or whatever but seriously today I've completely changed. I can feel it. It's so weird!

Anyway after watching a whole heap of videos on You Tube about this specific couple it dawned on me that they're completely my inspiration. They're such strong, hilarious, strong, bold women that are entirely themselves and don't let anyone else get them down. 

OBVIOUSLY, I'm talking about the all famous lesbian couple; Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi. What they've been through as children and young teenagers is so touching. With Portia going through an eating disorder as she was pressured as a teenager after she started modelling at the young age of 12 and her Dad dying when she was so young. And Ellen having family troubles with her Mum having cancer and her step dad sexually abusing her. When I found this out I was so touched and it hit me right inside. They're living proof that you can be an amazing person and that the hard steps that you've had to go through do absolutely make you a better person.
And of course, they've both been through the struggles of coming out too. Portia knew she had a connection with Ellen when they first met however she found it very hard to act upon them as Ellen was already out and was considered the most famous lesbian woman. However Ellen's coming out journey wasn't easy. Ellen came out during her 4th season of Ellen in 1997 on Oprah.

They got married in 2008 and in my opinion are just so perfect together and are such good role models to all younger girls who are struggling with who they are because they think they will have a lower quality of life because of their sexuality.

I totally apologise for this random post but I will stop rambling now! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

Lots of love,

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Life Today- University, Balls, Holidays and Operations


Well today I'm struggling on picking a subject to talk about. My life seems dull at the moment. Everything's going the way I want it too which is of course good as I can't really complain about that. However I just feel a lack of LOVE for LIFE. This is evidently my fault as I'm the driver to my own destinations.

Anyway as I'm spending longer and longer sat at my laptop thinking about what to write about today I'm thinking of just doing an overview on how my life is today. what's going on and what's going to happen in the future just to re-iterate to myself that my life is moving forwards and is not simply just in slow motion. 

What am I doing right now? Well right this second obviously I'm sat at my laptop writing this however I really need to get on and edit some videos for my presentation that is due at the end of February at University about teaching children to run. It shouldn't take me too long to do however it's just one of those things that I have been putting off all week and I just really need to sit down in complete silence, without my phone, without any music, without anyone or anything to distract me to just get it done and out of the way so that Morgan and I can build on the information to form our presentation and therefore can get on and start rehearsing it together. 
Currently I'm at home and have been for almost 2 weeks now and will be returning to the not so sunny Plymouth City on Monday 2nd Feb! I'm really excited to go back actually as it's the second to last run before I finish the year. I really have enjoyed being a fresher at Uni so much however I need to put a lot of work in before it's over but I can't wait for that time to come as I'm that one step closer to actually doing work that counts towards my degree!!

I'm still part of the Football, Futsal and Netball teams at Uni and enjoy them so much. The people are lovely and everything but obviously with everything there has to be one downer to it all. Strength and Conditioning! I actually really enjoy S&C however it's at such an ungodly hour that I just find it so hard to get up and do! I'm the least morning person there is and so I really find it hard to get out of bed to go. Why can't they just put it in the evenings??

So I will have 8 weeks back at Uni and then will be home again for Easter. Easter won't be that exciting for me as I'm just going to work for most of the 3 weeks that I'm home so won't have much time to spend with my family or my girlfriend. 

Anyway after the much needed Easter break I will be returning to Uni for the final 5 weeks! EEEeeeeekkkk! During those 5 weeks there will be the sports awards and May Ball! And the of course, packing up and coming home on 29th May!

Obviously when I get home I'll be back to work soon enough. I'm saving up so Luci and I can go on holiday in the summer. We're not sure where too and she's struggling for money so it's going to have to be a cheap and cheerful one but that's okay because her company is enough for me to make anything amazing! Also I don't really know when the holiday is going to fit in during the summer as she's finishing Sixth Form and then I'm going to her Leaver's Ball with her on 25th June. I'm also scheduled to have double-jaw surgery this summer as my jaws are not aligned correctly. I've lived with it all my life now so I've got used to the struggles that it brings. When I first got braces they gave me an ultimatum. Braces and jaw surgery or no braces at all and wonky teeth to go along with the wonky jaw for the rest of my life. Obviously I decided on the braces and jaw surgery as it makes eating so hard. My jaw used to click every time I chewed therefore just decided not to eat overly chewy things as it was just too uncomfortable. The orthodontist admitted that when I got the braces applied that it would make the gap in my teeth worse and I would find eating much harder. She didn't lie. Now I've reached the stage where I'm excited to have the surgery. I have 2 friends who have had it done and said it was hell however the outcome is so worth it. Having my jaws bolted together and it taking a total of 90 days (that's quarter of a year!!) to heal fully is pretty daunting. However I'm excited to have to re-learn how to chew and actually feel for the first time what it's like to eat and chew just like everyone else. And have a face and a jaw line like everyone else. 

Anyway I've rambled enough now and I will hopefully enjoy my summer as much as I can and return to Uni in September into my new flat being only 2 hours away from Luci instead of 3/3.5 and not have her parents stopping us from ever seeing each other.

Life is definitely looking up. 

Chloe x

Monday, 26 January 2015

Review on the press against volgging star Zoella

So, back in 2014 something fairly big and actually quite spectacular happened. And I'm a bit delayed in writing thise blog post so a very big sorry in advance!!
Anyways, Famous YouTube star "Zoella" was all over the internet (more so that usual) after people found out that her new book release "Girl Online" which was 2014s best selling book had a ghost-writer.

Zoe Sugg made it clear on her YouTube channel from the beginning that a team of people were helping to create the book alongside her and therefore never lied to her fans like the news stories say so. Could we really expect someone who vlogs her everyday life and creates great make-up and hair tutorial videos to write a book solely on her own? I'm not saying she's not capable but even people who's careers are in writing have ghost writers!! Do news writers feel like it's acceptable to victimise the YouTube sensation just because she's so popular? 

Zoella clearly got upset from the uproar about the mysterious ghost-writer and therefore tweeted saying she was "taking a few days out and off the internet because it's clouding up my brain". It was so unfair to persecute Zoe so much like this when her intentions for the book were to help all of her 7 million fans that she has acquired over the years. The book focused on real and serious issues like self-belief, sexuality and online hate. How ironic!

News then broke out the Zoella was apparently quitting YouTube however she made it clear with yet another tweet “I AM NOT QUITTING YOUTUBE. Yet again, twisting stuff to gain views. Sad.”

I don't really understand the problem with the fact that someone tried to help Zoe write such a popular book. Obviously most of her fans were going to buy the book because she's so likeable like the girl next door that's so easy to get to know and like. Obviously I only know her from her videos just like you however it's just so easy to like Zoe, and therefore shouldn't be criticized for actually doing something from a different perspective to reach out and help people!

I'm not someone who knows the ins and outs with all of the fact revolving around "Girl Online" and so even I accept that some of what I have said may be incorrect or possibly hurtful but I hope not as I'm aiming it at Zoe's fans who were upset by this whole story from thinking that Zoe lied to them. Everyone's allowed to have secrets anyway are they not? Even if they're your best friend.