Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Operation Update!

Hello Again,

Wow, well today has been a long day for me and to be honest I just wanted to tell you all about it. Not the ins and outs of what time I ate breakfast or went to the toilet but what I got up too.

Today I went to the hospital again because I had a pre-admissions appointment. This means that because my operation is in 5 week they have to do the blood tests and health and well-being tests to make sure that everything is A-Okay for them to go ahead and operate on me. 

So I got to the Oral Surgery department at roughly 9:30am and was waiting patiently for my appointment that was due, just people watching (it's very interesting..maybe it should become an Olympic sport?). Anyway the nurse that I saw the day before with my Orthodontist informed me that whoever I was waiting for was in a meeting until approximately 10:00am which was fine. I got called in around 9:50am. From there I was just asked loads of questions about my health, was told the ins and outs of my operation, had to take swabs and had more impressions done of my teeth. The impressions were simply hell! If you've had braces then you know exactly what I'm talking about. However you've probably not had them done with braces on before. Well I've had them done once before I got braces and 1 time since I had my braces on and so this was the third time overall of having impressions done. Long story short, the man clearly didn't really know what he was doing because he was just shoving them in my mouth and then trying to yank them out like they can do when you don't have braces on however this doesn't work because of the brackets on your teeth!! So in the end he caused me so much pain with doing it wrong so many times and just trying to pull it out that on about his 6th attempt I ended up crying and so they FINALLY called my usual orthodontist to get it out. All in all I had about 9-10 impressions done...I eventually got out of that room at around 11:15...

So then I met the surgeon who would be leading my operation. I previously had met a different one however he was taken unwell and so I moved onto a different waiting list. This meant that the surgeon had to re-look over everything we had previously looked at with the other one and he came to the conclusion that I was in fact going to have to have both jaws broken instead of just the bottom one which was what I was initially told...

Here is a picture of the profile editing I had back in January (left) and the new profile where they will break both jaws (right). There's not loads of difference but it's safer for me to actually have both done in the long run.

I was then sent to X-ray which is always exciting- haha. And then had to go to Pathology for some blood tests.

After that I went back to Oral surgery and saw the surgeon again for him to show me what my new profile of my face would look like after the operation and to clear up any queries I still had.

FOUR hours later and I was eventually free to go!!!


x x

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Summer is here!

Summer has to be most people's favourite time of year right?
Well this summer I'm going to try something and blog everyday. 
This is not going to happen due to me having an operation but I will try my hardest!! I might even start vlogging and posting it to YouTube if I fancy it and enough of you are interested but that's entirely in your hands my friends. 
My blog posts may include:
  • things on my mind
  • make up tutorials
  • what I got up to today
  • updates on my operation progress
  • outfit of the day
and anything else you would like me to do. Just comment and I'll try my best.

Till next time...

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Broken Heart

So, I feel like it's time to talk about this because I'm happier than I've ever been and I really just want to share this story to help any of you out who are going through the same or a very similar situation. 

Anyway 2 months ago myself and my girlfriend at the time broke up. Her reasoning behind it was because she got "bored" and that the day to day routine of our relationship had got too "samey". At the time I really could not comprehend this. She had been there for me for 5 and a half years of my life and had been my girlfriend for 4 and a half. I really could not imagine my life without her. 
The immediate time after it was hell. I never imagined how hard it would actually be to have someone who meant everything to you, thought they were your soul mate and you would be together forever (cliché I know) to be taken away in a flash. To talking to someone all the time to no contact whatsoever. 
I really do have my friends and family to thank for getting me through it because I was in a very dark place and they dragged me out of it. I kept plodding along with life. I made sure I kept busy. I have three jobs so I think that helped!!! Anyway so after the 3 weeks were up for my Easter break I went back to Uni. It was really the change and breath of fresh air I needed. Obviously it was a familiar place by now after being there for 6 months but it was different from home which brought back all the memories of us as a couple. 
Honestly if you're going through something like this make that drastic decision to go travelling or whatever. Do something crazy! What I did wasn't crazy I just got through it and you can too!
Anyway so now 2 months down the line I really couldn't be happier. I've met the most incredible girl ever who really knows how to show someone she really cares which I haven't ever experienced before. And also having your friends at Uni tell you they prefer her to you ex is always nice to hear because as they say "the grass is always greener on the other side". 
I contacted my ex about 2 weeks ago because I actually needed her knowledge on a topic that many people don't know about and I knew she would help me. After her helping me I said thank you and she turned it into yet another argument. One revolving around the fact we can't "just be friends". I really don't know if it is just me or anyone else thinks you can't just be friends who shattered your heart...maybe I'm crazy. So I sent her a letter about my reasoning behind why we couldn't be friends. I don't feel like I need OR want her in my life anymore. I'm so grateful for everything that we had, everything that we were and what she did for me however it was simply just a chapter in my book that I need to close and start the new one. 
I've since noticed more about myself. My anxiety for one has been the biggest change in me. Some of it is down to going to University however I have also lost a lot of worry and self doubt since we split. I find myself less tired than I used to be (people with anxiety will know how tired it can make you) and also more care-free and I really think that's the way to live. 

I'm at such a great stage in my life that I actually like who I am at the moment and now it's just the time I need to figure out what to do with my life and how to fulfil my dreams even more. 

***Cringe ending***....but Lizzie if you ever happen to read this you're the most incredible girl I've ever met and I think things happened fast with our relationship because it was meant to really were the light in the darkness and I love you so much :)